It seems like it happened overnight.

You graduated, got married, began that new job, or started your college career, and suddenly you feel unmotivated and confused. You are feeling totally burned out from the drudgery of the daily grind. Maybe you feel trapped in a life that you didn’t plan. You may not know what you even want, and you literally have no motivation to figure it out.

You’ve tried reading books, listening to podcasts, searching social media, and talking with friends or parents to find answers. You may have received some bits and pieces of advice along the way, but putting it into action feels overwhelming, and you wish you had more support.

You may have even attempted to create a plan or take a class to help, but you lost motivation halfway through.

Hi! I’m Kelli Wright

I remember sitting in my tiny duplex, staring at my wall, feeling like somebody had placed a hundred-pound weight on my chest.

In only a few short months, I was supposed to know what I would do next after graduating with my bachelor’s degree, and I was frozen in fear and lacked the motivation to attempt to figure it out.

 To put it plainly, I was in crisis, and I made some “not-so-great” decisions, including getting married before I was ready, as a result. Yeah, I know. Eventually, through the support of mentors and counselors, I learned how to get motivated, make decisions, and set goals for my future.



As time passed, I realized how much heartache I could have avoided if I had known this stuff earlier! I’m so grateful for the people who helped me navigate my journey into adulthood (and clean up the mess I made!). Without them, I would not be where I am today. Now, I want to create a space for YOU to be free to explore who you are and what you want.

 For the last 14 years, I have helped many young adults get started on their journey. I discovered that most young adults do not need clinical counseling to receive the tools and skills to "adult." They need a supportive environment rich with practical information and a dash of accountability.